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 · Fantasy Battle Royaleイベントモード延長のお知らせ プレイヤーの皆さん、こんにちは。 4月1日にエイプリルフール記念特別イベントモードとしてお披露目したFantasy Battle Royaleが4月8日(水) 1600に終了を予定していましたが、皆さんからの多くの熱い声援が寄せられイベント期間を延長することを決定 · Related Halo Infinite Rumored To Have BattlefieldLike Big Team Battle Halo fans have long been a creative bunch Assuming the series' usual Forge custom gamemaker mode, which Xbox has said will be "MASSIVELY expanded upon" in Halo Infinite, is in the game at launch, fans will likely quickly take the matter of Halo battle royale into their own handsKoushun Takami (高見 広春 Takami Kōshun) is the author of the novel Battle Royale, originally published in Japanese, and later translated into English by Yuji Oniki and published by Viz Media and, later, in an expanded edition by Haika Soru, a division of Viz Media Takami was born in Amagasaki, Hyōgo Prefecture near Osaka and grew up in the Kagawa Prefecture of Shikoku Fog Battle Royaleのレビューと序盤攻略 アプリゲット Battle royale 意味